swlss Lobster Tagging Project
The Southwest Lobster Science Society (SWLSS) has launched a large-scale lobster tagging project that aims to provide a better understanding of the lobster stocks on which our local economies depend. The project objectives include: gathering data on lobster movement and growth; provide data on the health of lobster stocks; and monitoring the survivability of undersized lobsters when returned to the ocean by harvesters.
Recapture Information
Fill out the form below to be entered for a prize draw at the end of the season. Fields marked ‘*’ are required. Submitting the required information = 1 entry for the prize draw; submitting required + additional information (eggs, condition, shell hardness) = 2 entries. A photo showing the size, or actual measured size would be helpful also.
You can text or email photos of tag, gps, depth to 902-881-2684, or to southwestlobster@gmail.com Include an email address to receive info on where and when it was tagged.